Nespresso has banded together with Swedish bicycle brand Vélosophy to upcycle old coffee pods into bike parts. The resulting vehicle, called ‘RE:CYCLE’, has a frame that’s made up of 95% recycled aluminum, with 20% of it being discarded Nespresso capsules. The hue of the bicycle, officially and aptly called ‘California Dream Blue’, is a natural pairing for the bicycle’s tan detailing and steam-bended oak basket. And the basket comes with two cup holders to safely transport your coffee around. Plus for every RE:CYCLE bike that is manufactured, Vélosophy will donate a bicycle to a schoolgirl in a less-developed country via the World Bicycle Relief charity. 500 units will be available for purchase, which means 500 bikes could be gifted to a student in need. Image via Vélosophy. (Via Design Taxi)