For a new promotional campaign celebrating the iPhone 6 camera, Apple reached out to a multitude of amateur and professional photographers alike to assemble a collection of 57 non-commissioned images.

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“Iconic”, is the name of a book project conceived to pay tribute to the design of different Apple products. The book has been designed by and for fans of the brand. (via Fubiz)

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According to a Bloomberg report, a team of 100 product designers at Apple Inc. are working on a wristwatch-style digital device. Apple has filed at least 79 patent applications with the word “wrist”, including one for a kinetic-powered device with a flexible screen. Its features are rumored to include geographical location services, a pedometer counter and sensors for monitoring health-related data, such as heart rates.

This foray into wristwatches would open up competition with Google in the area of wearable technology, as Google is also moving forward with its development of Google Glass. According to Oliver Chen, a luxury retail analyst at Citigroup Inc., “This can be a US$6 billion opportunity for Apple, with plenty of opportunity for upside if they create something totally new like they did with the iPod—something consumers didn’t even know they needed.” The report also notes that Apple’s lead designer, Jony Ive, has a keen interest in watches—the owner of many fancy watches, it is said that he and his team have visited watch factories for research. (via Design Taxi)


Rumor has it that a new product is brewing in Apple’s pipeline—and it is not an even longer iPhone or an Apple TV. Sources have have told Tech163 in China that Apple is working with Intel to develop a Bluetooth-enabled, iOS watch with a 1.5 inch screen—or in this case, face. Considering that the iPhone is facing stiff competition from smart phones of other brands, this may be Apple’s way of diversifying its product line. (via DesignTaxi)


The owner of Apple, Steve Jobs, has presented the future Apple HQ. A circular design, thanks to an infrastructure out of glass and with an interior park. A work of architecture envisaged by Foster + Partners for 2015 gathering more than 13.000 employees. (via Fubiz). Massive..

He he… this is a funny idea and as well an April Fool´s Day joke from ThinkGeek. Based on the idea of having an arcade cabinet where you would slide down your iPad into a dock, and then it would be connected to the arcade controls so you could play all the classic arcade games from the 70s and 80s. The classic ones I grew up with. ThinkGeek hopes that they can work with Apple and game developers to make the iPad Arcade Cabinet for real. I reckon it would sell.